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Mosque of Quba

3493 Al Hijrah Rd, Al Khatim, Medina 42318

622年从麦加迁往麦地那时,先知穆罕默德和追寻者曾在库巴村停留,并放下了世界第一座清真寺的基石。自那之后,信徒们就聚集在此地,但今天的建筑是最近才修建的。这座清真寺及其周边地区一度在麦地那的边界之外,但今天,它们已成为麦地那的一部分,游客众多。附近的库巴城市场出售枣子、香水和其他本地 特产。

On the migration from Makkah to Medina in 622, the Prophet Muhammad and his followers stopped in the village of Quba and put down the foundation stone of the world’s first mosque. Worshippers have gathered here ever since, though the current building is a more recent construction. Once outside the boundaries of Medina, the mosque and the surrounding area have been fully absorbed by the city, and Quba Mosque sees a steady stream of visitors. Nearby Quba City Market sells dates, perfumes and other local specialties.



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