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Al Khobar waterfront

Causeway Bridge, King Fahd Causeway, Al Khobar 34614沙特阿拉伯

舞动的喷泉、美丽的花园,让这段滨海区域成为了家庭 的最爱,在这里,孩子们可以在游乐场上嬉戏,大人 们可以拍摄历史悠久的水塔和壮观的法赫德国王大桥 (King Fahd Causeway),分享到 Instagram 上。想要 在美景中用餐,可以在新滨海路以南的新 Ajdan 步行 街上寻找各类餐馆,或者沉浸在库拜尔的咖啡文化中, 在数十家海滨咖啡馆中选择一家。乘坐私人游船出海, 欣赏落日美景。

Dancing fountains and landscaped gardens make this seafront stretch a family favorite, where kids can frolic in playgrounds as adults take Instagram-worthy snaps of the historic water tower and remarkable King Fahd Causeway. For a bite among the sights,discover a range of dining options on the new Ajdan Walk south of the new corniche, or immerse yourself in Al Khobar’s cafe culture at one of its dozens of waterfront coffee shops. Catch the sunset with a private boat trip across the waters.



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