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Al Rahma Mosque(aka the Floating Mosque)

6826 Corniche Rd, جدة, مكة 23613

拉赫玛清真寺(Al Rahma)被昵称为“飘浮的清真寺”,这个建筑十分独特地建在红海上一堆白色混凝土的上面,这也是世界上第一个在水上建造的清真寺。作为落座于通往麦加和麦地那旅途上的城市,吉达经常是穆斯林开始朝圣之旅的地方,这使得“飘浮的清真寺”成为从朝圣之路的一个必看景点。

Nicknamed the Floating Mosque, Al Rahma is uniquely perched atop a stack of white concrete stilts on the Red Sea, the first mosque in the world to be built over water. As the gateway to Makkah and Medina, Jeddah is often where Muslims begin their pilgrimage journeys, making the Floating Mosque a common stop before undertaking Hajj or Umrah.



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