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Rose Farmlands(Al Gadhi Rose Factory)

Adam, Al Salamah, Taif 26522

离塔伊夫市中心不远的加迪玫瑰加工厂(Al Gadhi Rose Factory)是这里历史最悠久、规模最大的玫瑰加工厂。尤其在收获的季节,工厂会对外开放,届时游客可以亲眼目睹玫瑰花瓣如何变成玫瑰水、香氛等产品,并且可以直接在工厂购买。

Al Gadhi Rose Factory, not far from the center of Taif, is one of the oldest and biggest rose factories in town. It’s open to visitors during the harvest season, from early March until the end of April, when tourists will also see local farmers queue outside to have their rose petals weighed on antique scales.



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