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Raghadan Forest Park

6905 Andalucia Street, Mandiq, Al Baha Area 65582

拉格丹森林公园位于城市西郊凉爽的 萨拉瓦特(Sarawat) 山中,曾经是一片荒野之地,但如今已经成为倍受游客喜 爱的旅游胜地。一条铺砌小道通往郁郁葱葱的山峦中,山上还住着不少顽皮的狒狒。在道路的高处可以看到群 山环绕的壮丽风景,欣赏深邃的山谷和通往大理石村的 曲折公路。公园里还有小食摊和烧烤摊,您可以像当地人一样,在太阳下山时享受山间美食的乐趣。

In the cool Sarawat mountains west of the city,Raghadan Forest Park was once a wilderness area but has been sensitively adapted for visitors, with a paved trail up into forested hills populated by impish baboons. From the top of the path, there are beautiful views of the surrounding mountains and valleys, including the winding road that leads to Dhee Ayn. Food stalls and barbecues mean it’s possible to do as the locals do, and dine up in the hills as the sun goes down.



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