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Edge of the World

19°54′52″N 45°15′07″E

世界之崖位于利雅得西北部图崴山脉(Tuwaiq Mountain)的山脊上。周末可以经Al Hesiyyah山谷来此,沿途欣赏巨大的金合欢树和美丽的野生动物,这是自然保护区Shuaib AlHesiyyah所独有的风光。周内的其余时间则可以从Siddus大坝进入,开启一场狂野的冒险之旅。参观世界之崖需要驱车前往,一般45分钟车程即可到达。道路崎岖不平,充满了冒险的刺激与乐趣。途中,您还可以参观地下Bin Rashid洞穴的壮观岩层。

Edge of the World is located on the ridge of Tuwaiq Mountains, northwest of Riyadh. It can be reached either by AlHesiyyah valley during the weekend, where visitors can enjoy seeing the giant acacia trees and the beautiful wildlife, which are unique to “Shuaib AlHesiyyah” as a natural reserve. The rest of the week, it can be accessed through Siddus Dam; after which, a wild adventure journey begins.
You will need a four-wheel drive. The road is bumpy, but full of exciting adventures and fun that last 45 minutes, which is the time needed to get there. On the way, you can visit the underground Bin Rashid Cave where you can find spectacular rock formations and hundreds of small-sized bats that feed on insects.



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