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QXV3+43R, Hegra 43541

黑格拉是沙特阿拉伯境内第一个被列入世界自然遗产名录的遗址,是约旦佩特拉在南部的姐妹城市,于公元前一世纪中叶由纳巴泰人建造,并在此处留下的标志性遗迹当属该区域内保存完好的陵墓群,以及其砂岩立面上的精致雕刻,展现了纳巴泰人出色的建筑能力。这里有 130多个古墓和多个重要的考古遗址,库扎之子利哈亚尼古墓是其中最大的一座古墓,高约72英尺。被当地人称为Qasr al-Farid,意思是“孤独的城堡",因为它的位置远离该地区其他古墓。

Visit Hegra to experience Saudi Arabia’s first UNESCO World Heritage Site. Here you’ll explore over 110 remarkably well preserved tombs set in a desert landscape, while learning about the ancient people and culture of AlUla.

Evidence for human presence and use of the site dates back beyond the 1st millennium BCE, but it was the location of the Nabataean city from the end of the 1st millennium BCE into the 1st millennium CE. The city was at its peak from the late 2nd century BCE to the 2nd century CE.

Along with the wondrous tombs, which were used to lay Nabataean elite to rest, visitors will find wells and stone-lined water channels demonstrating the civilisation's expert craftsmanship. Roman influence is also present in the form of defensive walls, gates and towers that once encircled the city.



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