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Mount Uhud

Mount Uhud, Jabal Auhud, Medina

乌胡德山是由先知穆罕默德领导的大军与麦加军队战斗的地方,也是主要的朝圣地。这座山高约 3,500 英尺
(1,077米),可以爬上去,更好地观察战场。不远处 是乌胡德英烈墓 (Uhud Martyrs Cemetery),85名战死的穆斯林士兵就埋葬在这里。乌胡德山位于麦地那市 中心东北方向。

A major pilgrimage site, Mount Uhud is the place where Muslim forces led by the Prophet Muhammad battled troops from Makkah. The mountain rises about 3,500 feet (1,077 meters), and it can be climbed to better observe the battlefield. Nearby is the Uhud Martyrs Cemetery, where 85 of the fallen Muslim soldiers are buried. Mount Uhud is northeast of Medina’s city center.



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